MECS is a cluster of scientists from four Austrian universities: Vienna University of Technology, University of Vienna, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), and University of Innsbruck, each of which is represented by one member on the board of Directors (BoD) and the Director of Research (DoR). Further key bodies are the executive board and units for management, research (more detailed in RESEARCH(ERS)), training, communication & transfer, and young scientists. The organizational chart is shown below.

MECS is organized into the following units with the respective heads and deputy heads:
•Management Unit: Ulrike Diebold, Georg Kresse
•Research Units:
•Pillar A – Electrocatalysis: Julia Kunze-Liebhäuser, Jürgen Fleig
•Pillar B – Photocatalysis: Dominik Eder, Davide Bonifazi
•Pillar C – Theory: Georg Kresse, Georg Madsen
•Training Unit: Leticia González, Florian Libisch
•Communications & Transfer unit: Stefan Freunberger, Markus Valtiner
•Young Scientists Unit: Bingqing Cheng, Katharina Schröder